

From $5.00

@Peace Body Oil 

Crafted with Spearmint oil, Peppermint oil, Eucalyptus oil, Menthol Crystals,Vitamin E and essential oils.
Spearmint Oil, used therapeutically it’s anti-inflammatory benefits are known to help reduce itching skin, reducing the sensations of inflammation. It has revitalizing, energy inducing action on the body by working to enhance mood, concentration and by energizing the skin. It uplifts the mood and soothes emotional stress.

Eucalyptus oil supports the respiratory system and soothes physical discomfort.
Peppermint Oil

The most active components of Peppermint essential oil are Menthol and Menthone, which are known to reduce pain and to invigorate, energize, and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, respectively.

Used medicinally, Peppermint essential oil has been found to eliminate harmful bacteria, relieve muscle spasms and flatulence, disinfect and soothe inflamed skin, and to release muscle tension when used in a massage. When diluted with a carrier oil and rubbed into the feet, it can work as a natural effective fever reducer.

When used in aromatherapy, Peppermint essential oil’s expectorant properties clear the nasal passageway to promote the relief of congestion and to encourage easy breathing. It is believed to stimulate circulation, reduce feelings of nervous tension, soothe feelings of irritability, boost energy, balance hormones, and enhance mental focus. The scent of this analgesic oil is believed to help relieve headaches, and its stomachic properties are known to help suppress the appetite and promote the feeling of being full. When diluted and inhaled or when rubbed in small amounts behind the ear, this digestive oil can reduce the feeling of nausea.

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