Chamomile & Ginger Root Tea Body Oil

Chamomile & Ginger Root Tea Body Oil

Chamomile & Ginger Root Tea Body Oil
From $5.00

Organically grown Chamomile and Ginger root is infused into a luxurious Apricot oil that will not only lend to amazingly healthy and nourished skin but the medicinal benefits are equally amazing.
Chamomile reduces inflammation. Inflammation is our immune systems reaction to fighting infection and chamomile contains chemical compounds that help reduce inflammation. Chamomile has also proven to be effective in treating mild inflammatory skin conditions like eczema. Ginger Root has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti- cancer properties that may boost your overall immunity. Ginger root is a natural pain reliever, acts as an anti-inflammatory and work to eliminate compounds in the body that results in pain. 

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